


Today I am participating in WordPress Daily Prompt Challenge.  I have never done so before, but after seeing today’s prompt, I decided to do so, as it fits in nicely with what my blog is all about – me living with my neurological condition.  The prompt is entitled ‘Take Care’ and asks the following:

When you’re unwell, do you allow others to take care of you, or do you prefer to soldier on alone? What does it take for you to ask for help?



This is a fantastic prompt for both me and spoonies everywhere, as living with illness is what we do on a daily basis; day in and day out we are unwell.  The prompt, perhaps was meant for those who are, for the majority of the time healthy – asking when in the instances they are ill, what do they like to do – but I am going to write the prompt from my perspective; as a spoonie living with an illness 24 hours a day, 365 days a year (366 days in the event of a leap year!).

Living with a chronic illness is very much like being in constant war with our bodies.  Sometimes, the illness wins the battle; leaving our bodies drained of all energy and will to carry on.  But with determination and very often needing the help of others we battle on, determined to winning the overall war.  Each individual though obviously has their own way of dealing with their illness, but whatever that coping strategy may be we have no choice but to solider on and get through it the best we can; we all need to live our lives the best way we can, whatever our individual circumstances may be.

Living with a neurological condition, when I am bad because of it, I have very little option but to rely on the help of others to see me through.  My balance and legs are bad much of the time; I am unable to stand for very long before they collapse from under m, leaving me a crumpled heap on the floor!  Sometimes, my legs are so weak that I am unable to get out of bed, and so am reliant on others to help me to the bathroom, or to bring me food and drink whilst I am confined to my bed.

Often, I am too stubborn to ask for help; preferring to soldier on regardless to how my body feels.  But, as I am lying on the floor, dizzy, legs too weak for me to be able to get back up, I am reigned to the fact that I am in need of help and call for help (if I am on my own, however, I need to press my lifeline for someone to come and rescue me from the floor).  Perhaps it is hard to ask for help because, the condition has progressed gradually, and a few years ago, I didn’t need this level of help in my daily life; I didn’t need someone to help me off the floor after a fall, or needed supporting when walking around the local shops. In my head, I am still abled and not disabled…

That is not to say that I don’t need my alone time – I do; I like sometimes to shut myself in my bedroom from my parents and the outside world.  To have some peace and quiet is all I crave when things become too much; often when I am feeling incredibly low because of the condition is bad.  I like to stick my headphones on and listen to music, watch a film on Netflix, or even read a book to take me away from the reality of illness and to escape to another world.

Perhaps the way of getting through illness, is not to soldier alone or even to ask constantly for help, but to find a healthy balance between the two…


Welcome to the Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge brought together by WEGO Health – a social network for all health activists.  Again, I am participating in the annual Writer’s Month Challenge in which I will be writing about my health activism and health condition based upon prompts given.

Today’s prompt is as follows:

Write about your favourite social network.  Do you love Twitter? Facebook? Pinterest?  Why? 

I can be found on most social networks – Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and Instagram!  Facebook used to be my first choice of social networks as, it was the one all my friends used; it was convenient and had a lot of features that I could integrate with online socialising such as the messenger IM, games and so on.  However, since starting the blog and the health activism, Twitter has now become my favourite social network to use.


Twitter has become my favourite social network for several reasons:

  1. It only allows 140 characters per tweet and therefore is quick to get your message out there.  It gets straight to the point, and can easily receive and view content quickly 
  2. You can be updated with current and breaking news which can come in very handy.  You can follow organisations, charities, or even experts on your specific interest, and able to get up to date on all the latest research, studies and advice relating to your health condition for example
  3. I love the ‘favourites’ feature – with so many blogs and articles that people tweet which I want to read but often don’t have the time, I can ‘favourite’ them; and save those links which I can read later when I have the time
  4. Twitter allows you to send your message; your story where potentially millions of people will hear it
  5. Twitter is also great for promoting your blog and new posts which have just been published and to get more traffic to the blog.  According to my site statistics the majority of people find my blog through Twitter
  6. It is a great platform for networking with other ‘spoonies’ and make new and lasting friendships – I have been blessed to have met so many wonderful people, who I now regard as great friends.  Twitter allows us all to stay connected and to stay up-to-date with what is going on with each other.  For example, if we read that someone is having a bad day then we can send messages of support and comfort.  Twitter can basically used to form a small community of like-minded people, or people with shared experiences or in out cases illnesses!
  7. Twitter is also a great platform to express opinions on a wide variety of local and global issues; and for bloggers and health activists especially it allows us to express opinions on the issues that matter most to us, and what is relevant to our health conditions
  8. Twitter can also be a great tool for researching and finding new information by searching using specific hashtags.  This may be useful for patients wanting to find information on new treatments or therapies that have been recommended by their medical team and determine how effective or what other patients thought of the treatment/therapy
  9. The service TweetChat allows users to get involved and communicate live with organisations and chat with like-minded people.  I love getting involved with the WEGO Health Chats via Twitter every week and discussing various topics relating to the chronic illness community
  10. There are plenty of Twitter users that provides us all with a constant flow of positive quotes and messages in order to remind us to direct our thoughts in a positive way and become better than we are.  You can log in to Twitter on a bad day and within minutes be lifted by positive words
  11. Twitter can be used on computers, phones and tablets via the website or an application that can be downloaded – so you are able to get your message out anytime, anywhere!

Furthermore, if it was not for Twitter, I would never have met some wonderful people and help form the ‘Spoonie Book Club’ – a book club for those of us battling with chronic illness.  A fantastic opportunity to talk with friends on topics that matter most to us, but more than that, also allows us to forget about our illnesses and conditions for an hour and just have fun discussing a great book and have some fun.  Thanks to the other ladies that helped form the book group – Aisha, Anya and Megan!

If you would like to join and discuss some great books, you can connect with us by using the hashtag #spooniebookclub – the details of the book for this month can be found here

What is your favourite social network?  And why?  As ever would love to hear your thoughts!

Hello, Everyone!

I hope you are doing well and are AWAP (as well as possible!) and I hope that everyone has been able to enjoy the great weather we’ve had (granted, for those of us in the UK, it’s only been a week or so!). Anyway, although it has been delightful to see bright blue skies and the feeling of warm sunshine on my skin, the hot weather and particularly the humidity at night has been playing havoc with the symptoms which I experience.

For example, Monday I had the opportunity to sit in the beautiful gardens at the Centre for which I volunteer, and after only a short time the dizziness and vertigo which I experience daily were incredibly intense, leading to visual disturbances and incredible nausea as well as deep aches and pains in my legs.

And last night was one of the worst nights I have experienced for a while.

It was so warm and humid in my bedroom, and unfortunately for me, I also had a guest in my room – my dog Honey! And believe me, this didn’t help the situation!

Due to the humidity, it was incredibly difficult for me to get to sleep anyway, especially with the cramping and deep pains in my legs, but somehow I did manage to drop off sometime during the night.

Honey looking angelic keeping cool – complete opposite of her antics last night!

But alas, was awoken around 2.30 by the dog, crying and heavily panting – seems I wasn’t the only one that is having trouble with the heat, and hampered by my bedroom which always seems to get very warm.  And after that was unable to fall back asleep due to the severe stiffness and pain in the legs as well as the violent dizziness and so spent the early hours of keeping myself occupied by listening to music and watching episodes of ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ and ‘Once Upon a Time.’

But a question that might you be thinking is why does the heat affect those with neurological conditions so much?

Well, the reason for this is in many neurological conditions the nerves are damaged or the neural pathways which slows the ability of the nerves to function and send messages to the appropriate part of the body.  Heat can further slow down nerve impulse in affected areas such as legs in my case. And this is the reason for increased symptoms during the hot weather.


Image: She Radiance.  A Magazine by Ayushveda 

So to ward off increased symptoms and those of heat intolerance it is vital that those with neurological conditions such as in my case, or those with MS, keep cool during these warm Summer nights.

And what steps can we take to ensure that we do not relapse or our symptoms become worse or find ourselves unable to sleep because of them?


Suggestions for keeping cool and being able to sleep comfortably on a hot night: 

  • If safe to do so leave a window open in your bedroom to increase the air circulation in the room.  Multiple windows facing different directions to admit breezes is even better.
  • Set up a fan – if you are worried about the noise emitted by fans, consider buying a large fan or even a ceiling fan which tends to move air with less speed and noise
  • If you are unable to open a window, consider using a fan and ice to mimic air conditioning if it is unavailable.  Buy a commercial bag of ice and empty it into a shallow container (to contain the water as the ice melts).  Place the bowl of ice directly in front of the fan (between the fan and you), level with the top of the bed
  • Keep your neck cool! It works the same way as keeping your feet cool.  Try using a cooling pack that works for you, or place a damp towel on your neck
  • Consider using the ‘Egyptian Method’: wet a sheet or bath towel that is large enough to cover you with cool or cold water, and wring it or run it through the spin cycle on a washing machine until the sheet is quite damp but not dripping wet.  Or you can use a spray bottle of water to spray the top sheet until it is damp but not soaking.  Place the dry towel or sheet underneath your body and use the wet sheet as your blanket.  The wet blanket will help keep you cool.
  • During an extreme heat wave take a light t-shirt and wet it, wring it and then wear it.  Evaporation from the shirt will help to keep you cool enough to sleep for a few hours
  • Take a pair of cotton socks and rinse them in cold water, wring them until they are damp and put them on.  The cooling of the feet lowers the overall temperature of your skin and body
  • Chill your pillowcases: put your sheets, blankets, and pillowcases into freezer bags and place it in the freezer all day.  Doing so can help you fall asleep faster, further reducing your exposure to the uncomfortable heat
  • Sleep in a ‘spread eagle’ position, so heat doesn’t gather around you
The ‘Spread Eagle’ Position
  • If it is a terrible night for you, sleep downstairs – warm air rises, so it tends to be cooler downstairs
  • Take a cold shower or bath before bed, or if this is not an option splash some cool water on your head and feet – this will help you keep cool for longer allowing you to fall asleep faster


These are some of the examples of keeping cool during those unbearable hot summer nights.  Have you got any other tips?  Please leave a comment with any other suggestions!

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