


Being undiagnosed and having no answers for the peculiar going on inside our bodies is very much like being stuck in a darkened room with no light.

Living without a diagnosis is very much like life in the dark

After every uneventful doctors’ appointments, and every negative test results only moves the light switch further from our grasp, and we remain, still in the dark.  You begin to fear every upcoming appointment for the worry that this meeting will end with the platitudes that you’ve heard many times before, such as “We know there is something wrong, but we just don’t know what.”  Then there is the usual carousel of different doctors from different specialties, some you may have seen before but which only yielded more questions.

In our world of living with chronic illness, the light offers answers to our predicament, in the hope of appropriate treatment and a better future.

Remaining in the dark, however, leaves us still with many unanswered questions, and living with a future of unknowns.

[Tweet “Being undiagnosed leaves us with many unaswered questions and a future of unknowns.”]

Having a diagnosis means living with many unanswered questions

I read an interesting article that was written after the author was eventually diagnosed with an autoimmune condition.  In the article, she wrote that although she was thankful for finally being diagnosed, she felt however that nothing really changed with regards to her life with chronic illness.

And this is true, of course.

Getting a diagnosis; an answer to the big question that has been hanging over your head for a long time doesn’t really change anything.  The symptoms, the limitations placed upon your life and the other effects that chronic illness has on your body and your life hasn’t really changed.  Life is really the same regardless of whether or not we have a diagnosis.

But often a diagnosis matters.  Some may just say it’s only a label, but when you have been in the dark for so long, it’s more than just a label.  They provide answers.  Validation.  Proof that the doctors that were cynical in their treatment of you, those doctors that told you “it’s all in your head” were wrong, and you in your insistence that something was wrong with your own body was right.

[Tweet “A diagnosis matters. It’s more than just a label. They provide answers. Validation.”]

A clinical diagnosis almost acts like a lightsaber against those forces that doubted the existence of the symptoms ruling your body and life.

We need to know exactly what we are dealing with.  To have some idea of what the future holds for us instead of living with unknowns and what ifs.

A diagnosis matters.

It can be lonely not having a confirmed diagnosis with many people questioning if you are actually ill.  Getting a diagnosis can lift a weight off your shoulders

A diagnosis can lead to answers.  It is far easier to find information when searching on Google when you have specific keywords to search, such as a diagnosis of MS for example than if searching for the many symptoms you are experiencing in the hopes of coming across the answer for yourself.

It’s also far easier to find others like you, those also battling the same disease as you; to build an online support system with those who understand, swapping tips and stories of your own experiences of living with the condition.  A diagnosis matters.

A diagnosis can lead to treatment options where there were none before.  And it’s these treatment options that can provide hope and a chance at a better quality of life.  A diagnosis as well, of course, can also help with practical matters such as helping to qualify for disability and other types of assistance.  A diagnosis matters.

Having a clinical diagnosis can help with practical considerations such as applying for disability benefits that you might be entitled to

For me, I have been waiting for more than most for a definitive clinical diagnosis for symptoms experienced since young childhood, some possibly since birth.  For years, I have seen so many different specialists, sometimes more than once.  Received the cliched response that the symptoms are due to depression and anxiety and sent on my way with a prescription for medications to treat such ailments but still with no improvement.  Years with no name or explanation for what I was experiencing.  Years of disappointment and hopelessness after test after test came back normal.

Last year I was referred to see a specialist neurological consultant in London and which I attended last month.  I admit I went to the appointment with not much expectation, after many years of disappointment I have learned the hard way not to get your hopes up as they will inevitably be dashed with a lack of answers, leaving with no diagnosis and an uncertain future.

However, although I came away from this particular appointment with no formal clinical diagnosis, I feel that I have found a small flicker of light in the darkness of suffering.  After the consultant’s senior registrar took a thorough clinical history, gave a detailed neurological examination and poured through my hospital notes, the mystery that is my life and has so far eluded many doctors, he left the room to consult with the top neurologist at the hospital to discuss my case.

Getting some answers means that I can finally see a glimmer of light within the dark tunnel that I have been living in

He concluded that the problems I have experienced, and are still are experiencing are due to a neurological problem of some kind but unsure of the exact cause or even a name for what I was experiencing.  Due to the problems I had shortly after birth, he concluded that it was highly likely the cause of many of my symptoms was from birth and may either be due to damage to the brain during the delivery or even a genetic condition of some description.

Could it be that whatever condition I am suffering was determined before I was even born?  That the development of the symptoms was inevitable like me having blue eyes?

Apart from the unknown neurological condition, the consultant also felt that other problems were going on, diagnosing me with a Functional Neurological Condition, which I have previously written about after a local specialist diagnosed me with FND.

Apparently, it is common for patients exhibiting functional symptoms in conjunction with other illnesses.

Alongside these, I was also diagnosed previously with a vestibular condition; a weakness of the vestibular nerves (those nerves that run from the ear to the brainstem) resulting in dizziness and vertigo.  It is not uncommon for those living with chronic illness to experience more than one condition.  Like jugglers who juggle many balls at once, our bodies often juggle many symptoms from different ailments at once.  Each symptom vying to be the centre of attention.

[Tweet “Our bodies often juggle many symptoms at once.  Each symptom vying to be the centre of attention.”]

Having one or more diagnoses means juggling many symptoms, all of which compete for attention

In the meantime, the consultant is going to speak to other specialists from other departments to narrow down the possible suspects that could be the cause of the as yet undiagnosed condition before doing investigations such as genetic testing.

So, although I left this most recent appointment with no definitive answers or a definite diagnosis, however, I did leave with hope.  Hope that we are one step closer to an explanation for symptoms that have been with since a baby.  Validation that although we are not sure of exactly what is wrong with my brain, I have been reassured that there is something wrong, and it’s not ‘all in my head’ (well technically it is, but you know what I mean).

Like a light at a window, I can finally begin to see the light but am just not able to touch it yet.

I’m not at the end of the diagnosis journey, however, but I can finally begin to see the light although unable to touch it just yet.


Welcome to the twenty-sixth day of the National Health Blog Post Month Challenge hosted by WEGO Health.  Every day during the month of November I will be writing a new blog post related to health and living with a chronic illness based on given prompts provided by WEGO Health.

Today’s prompt reads:

Top 3 Tuesdays: List three questions you have for other patients.

As I have yet to meet another patient with the same condition as myself, I have decided to ask questions that could be answered by any patient with any chronic illness.  This prompt could provide excellent dialogue between myself and readers of the blog, so please comment if you have any answers to the questions that I will ask during the course of this blog post.

How do you make being bed-ridden more fun?
How do you make being bed-ridden more fun?

How do you make spending time in bed fun?

As I am writing this post; I am doing it from my bed.  Today, my legs have decided not to work and so I am forced to being stuck in bed; unable to walk or even stand.   I hate being stuck in bed; I find it dull and tiresome as there is only so much one can do from bed.  I am fortunate to have my own television set in my bedroom, which thanks to my parents has access to satellite television, as well as my iPad in which I can watch films from my own collection or through those shown on Sky or through Netflix.  However there is only so much reading and watching television a girl can do before becoming bored.  Therefore, one question that I wish to ask other patients is: How do you make spending time in your sick-bed fun and tolerable?

How you stay calm before attending hospital appointments?
How you stay calm before attending hospital appointments?

How do you cope with hospital appointments and make attending more bearable?

I know that no patient likes attending hospital appointments, but no matter how much I try, I am always so nervous before leaving the house to travel to the hospital.  When that letter first lands on my doorstop; the nerves begin it kick in, and the appointment is the only thing that is on my mind until the appointment day arrives.  The night before, I feel sick and anxious, with thoughts running through my mind about what will happen at the appointment; what the doctor might say and generally imaging all the worst case scenarios.  As a result my next question for other patients would be: How do you cope with endless hospital appointments? How do you relax before an appointment?  Are there any routines you have to make the day fun and tolerable?

How to keep calm and carry on with chronic illness...
How to keep calm and carry on with chronic illness…

How do you cope with living with a long-term health condition?

My my final question for patients with chronic illness, like myself would be related to how the cope when the illness becomes too much to handle.  Lately, the dizziness that I constantly live with anyway, has become even more severe.  In addition the pain, fatigue and weakness in my legs has also worsened.  As a result of struggling with this, the depression that often accompanies chronic illness has reappeared and I have been struggling to cope in dealing with everything.  So, my final question, would be: How do you continue to cope when your illness becomes too much to handle? How do you distract yourself from the pain, depression and other symptoms you experience?

There are my three questions for other chronically ill patients.  Do you have any other examples of questions to ask to other patients?  As ever would love to hear your thoughts, comments and suggestions! And don’t forget to comment below if you have any answers to the above questions.  Thank you xxx

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