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How do you solve a problem like…a high ceiling?

Sorry for the lack of an update this week - truth be told, I haven't had the greatest weeks with most of it spent lying on the sofa with the comfort of a quilt and watching endless hours of television (or at least trying to!!) feeling particularly dizzy, weak, nauseous and with frequent episodes of the 'room spinning' motion. It started Wednesday evening and I believe that the deterioration in my condition was due to the afternoon I spent at 'Life...

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What are you grateful for?

Time for a new post! And today I will be talking about a subject we were discussing at yesterday's 'Life 4 Living' - a group that I am member of in my local town, one which establishes fun, friendship and understanding. Positive Psychology is a relatively new branch within psychology and is basically the study of happiness, and one in which scientifically examines how ordinary people can become happier and ultimately live a more fulfilled life.  Happiness is not something which makes...

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Taking Part in a New Project!!

Hey Everyone Hope you are all well, sorry I haven't updated for a few days but again have not been feeling well - some were even spent bedridden as it was so bad, legs feeling so weak and every part of my body feeling so lethargic.  Also, have been quite busy - I have now for a couple of months have been attending a new group within my local area, many of the attendees like myself suffer with some form of...

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