


Thank you so much to Robert from A 30 Minute Life and Jen from Tripping Through Treacle for nominating me to take part in this brilliant quote challenge!

Anyone who knows me will know that I love quotes and positive affirmations to remind me of the beauty that exists in the world despite the darkness and all of the terrible atrocities that happen all around the world.  As someone living with chronic illness and who regularly struggles, bombarded with many different symptoms, quotes are a helpful reminder that there is still good that exists in my life, and the bad days will pass, making room for days full of joy and positivity!

The rules for this challenge are as follow:

  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Post a quote for 3 consecutive days (1 quote for each day)
  • Share why this quote appeals to you
  • Nominate 3 different bloggers for each day

[Tweet “For I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning how to sail my ship”]


‘Little Women’ has always been one of my favourite novels, having read since I was a young girl.  This beautifully written novel has always spoken to me, being able to relate to the struggles of each of the four siblings at different times of my life.

It has always been one of my favourite quotes from ‘Little Women’ book, serving to remind me that although storms elicit panic and fear, these are the conditions that we often learn the most.

For me, living with a neurological condition, the many challenging flares that I’ve experienced has only sharpened my awareness of the coping strategies that best help manage the symptoms, and in turn, helping when the inevitable next flare strikes, making the storm less severe, and me better at handling the rough waves.

My nominees for today are:

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