
chronic life


Sheryl from A Chronic Voice, as well as sharing her own stories and lessons with chronic illness. Sheryl is an excellent support to other bloggers and writers living with illness and chronic pain. One such way is through monthly link-up parties whereby bloggers and writers share their stories through given prompts. This JuneI have used the prompts to discuss how flares can go from the invisible into the visible.

After a long, arduous night battling intense, crippling pain, I find myself standing in front of a mirror. Doing so, I begin searching; searching for signs left behind by the symptoms that have tortured every facet of my being for so long. Like the most observant crime scene investigator, I meticulously search for evidence discarded by the offender that is chronic illness.

"I begin searching; searching for signs left behind by the symptoms that have tortured every facet of my being for so long. Like the most observant CSI, I meticulously search for evidence left behind by chronic illness." Share on X

Sure, I observe the extremely ashen complexion, and the severely dark circles under the eyes staring back at me. Both easily attributed to yet another sleepless night and not the torture that my body continues to wreak upon me.

The Invisibility of A Flare

But alas, there are none. The effects of the sudden ferocious flare that arose from nowhere have left no visible evidence of the devastation it has left behind. Surprisingly, illness, its accompanying symptoms and all its baggage often remain invisible despite the damage it inflicts upon its victim.  And for the person living with the scourge of a flare, it is bewildering that others can think we look well when continually sieged by debilitating pain.

"The effects of the sudden ferocious flare that arose from nowhere have left no visible evidence of the devastation it has left behind. Surprisingly, illness often remains invisible despite the damage it inflicts upon its victim." Share on X

Flares come and go. And each time that one passes came the hope that it would be the last one. And the desire that never again would I have to utter the words, “This is the worst that I have ever felt in my entire life.” But flares always come back. They would always return, and the hope that had recurred after the flare diminished, disappeared along with it.  Yet again, forced to confront the ever-increasing presence of illness and disability in my day-to-day existence.  Along with this, is the need to accept the increasing lack of functioning as a part of my life.  

"They would always return, and the hope that had recurred after the flare diminished, disappeared along with it.  Yet again, forced to confront the ever-increasing presence of disability in my day-to-day existence." Share on X

The Traumatising Effect of a Flare

Flares, with its spike in symptoms, and the excruciating effects of the increased severity of them is a kind of trauma in itself. The symptoms that accompany chronic illness are invariably unpredictable and intense, but even more so during a flare.  And as such, living through one is both challenging and overwhelming.  

"The symptoms that accompany chronic illness are invariably unpredictable and intense, but even more so during a flare.  And as such, living through one is both challenging and overwhelming." Share on X

Day and after day living through the hell of debilitating pain, and unable to do anything but lie and endure such torture, you begin to feel helpless. You also start to believe that the flare will never end, and instead trapped in this seeming nightmare always.  The unpredictability, intensity, and relentless nature of such a setback can be scary, discouraging, and frustrating.  Its very presence is a stark reminder of the power that chronic illness yields in our lives. And reminding us that we do not always have control over our bodies. 

curled up in a foetal position because of pain
Flares, with its spike in symptoms, and the excruciating effects of the increased severity of them is a kind of trauma in itself.

Even after the flare dissipates, there is a trauma of having to live with new limitations, a result of a further loss of functioning; a byproduct of the prior exacerbation. A loss of identity. A loss of self-confidence. The scars from previous flares, that had removed me from life, and which I had lost so much continue to haunt me. As well as the knowledge that it will inevitably return. And haunted by the gains returned to me after a prolonged flare, only to have them snatched away again.

"The scars from previous flares, that had removed me from life, and which I had lost so much continue to haunt me. As well as the knowledge that it will inevitably return." Share on X

Becoming Disabled: My Body Responding to Frequent Flares

Because of the cycle of flares coming and going, my level of functioning and mobility, in particular, has changed. Steadily, worsening over time. Once, only relating to the label of being chronically ill, the deterioration in functioning added a new label to an ever-changing identity – disabled.  It was now that as a result of the cycle of flares, the invisible slowly became more visible. 

"Because of the cycle of flares coming and going, I have steadily, worsened over time. Once, only relating to the label of chronically ill, the deterioration in functioning added a new label to an ever-changing identity – disabled." Share on X

Flares: From The Invisible To The Visible

Where once I was unable to rely on myself, I was now unable to rely on my body because of the devastatingly debilitating effects of the symptoms that accompany FND. My new life came with a variety of paraphernalia associated with disability.

"Where once I was unable to rely on myself, I was now unable to rely on my body. My new life came with a variety of paraphernalia associated with disability." Share on X

Over time, I needed a variety of assistive walking devices. Different mobility aids for different mobility days; some days, a single cane will suffice in helping me get around. Other days, I find myself needing extra support, which a crutch fails to provide, so a rollator came into my life. And the terrible days, where my legs are being incredibly uncooperative, a wheelchair is needed. Going out, I began to need a disability badge in the case that my legs unexpectedly give way.  

While before my symptoms were invisible when I become more visibly disabled, however, I found it was me that became invisible.

Honouring My New and Ever-Growing Limitations

As the identity of ‘disabled’ made me feel invisible and even more isolated than before, I began to resent it.  I ignored what my body needed and did everything to blend in, to once again feel visible in the world.  The assistive devices that now played a prominent role in my life were left at home, discarded and redundant just as they had made me feel redundant, unable to live life like I once had.

"As the identity of 'disabled' made me feel invisible and even more isolated than before, I began to resent it.  I ignored what my body needed and did everything to blend in, to once again feel visible in the world." Share on X

It, however, only led to more falls as a result of a lack of support and balance such aids provided. All the extra walking needed to get around only resulted in more pain. And after returning home, overwhelming fatigue emerged, left unable to do anything but tolerate it.  I had to learn to accept the inevitability that flares go from the invisible to the visible.  And as such, had to acknowledge my need for such assistive devices. 

Being in a wheelchair usually leaves me feeling more alone and isolated than ever before, which made it harder to accept that I needed to use such assistive devices. Photo by Marcus Aurelius from Pexels.

Honouring the disabled label was a gradual process. Some days, I felt disabled, and days when I didn’t. The tag was an ageing-in sort of thing that took many years of being sick and living with FND.  Disability is a unique lesson in acceptance; by honouring the limitations of my body and embracing the mobility aids that accompany it, I can be happier and be more productive than without them. 

"Disability is a unique lesson in acceptance; by honouring the limitations of my body and embracing the mobility aids that accompany it, I can be happier and be more productive than without them." Share on X

Hoping That The Label Will Become Only A Small Part of My Life

The severe debilitating effects of a flare, and the resulting disability it causes often feel that it plays a significant and prominent role in my life. At times it feels that the diagnosis defines me, and the rest of my life pales into insignificance. Even more so, during a debilitating flare, or on the awful days, which there are many.

I hope for the day when illness and disability becomes only a small part of my life, as often and especially during times of a flare it can feel like the most significant part of life!

So, I began hoping and living for the moments in between. The good times in between flares, the good parts of the day when I’m not in pain.  Or those times where the other symptoms are quiet in the background. And the times when I don’t have to always worry about my health; or concerned when the symptoms will next suddenly appear.

"I began hoping and living for the moments in between. The good times in between flares, the good parts of the day when I'm not in pain, or where the other symptoms are quiet in the background." Share on X

I am hoping that over time, despite the disability that has begun to impact every facet of my life significantly, that it will become just another part of my life. I hope that it will become a small part of my life; even on the bad days.

When disabled by severe and debilitating symptoms, we find solace in any way we are able. Not that anyone would know as I continue living inauthentically with chronic illness.  While finding myself incapacitated by such relentlessly debilitating symptoms, I have found comfort and solace in the written word.  And as a result, have been on somewhat of a book-binge. 

One of my favourite reads was a beautiful and life-affirming novel ‘The Authenticity Project.’

‘The Authenticity Project’ by Clare Pooley is a charming novel about six strangers with one universal thing in common. The truth is that each of them is being inauthentic regarding their life; their lives aren’t always what they make them out to be.

‘The Authenticity Project’ by Clare Pooley, a charming, uplifting and life-affirming novel. A perfect Summer read!

It starts with an eccentric artist and septuagenarian, Julian, desperate to confess to the deep loneliness he feels. And so he begins The Authenticity Project. A small green notebook which contains the authentic truth about his life.  He then leaves the journal on a table in Monica’s cafe in a bid to encourage others to share their own.  And as these five other strangers come into contact with the book and share the truth about their lives, it leads to a life-changing world of friendship and genuine connections.  

As I finished the book, continuing to think about the story long after I turned the last page, I started to think about my own life. In doing so, I began to question whether I am authentic and truthful regarding my own life. Or, as like the characters in the book, my life is not always as I make it out to be. Moreover, I questioned whether I was authentic to my reality of living with a long-term neurological disorder.

What does it mean to be authentic?

The definition of authenticity is the quality of being real or true.

Authenticity means coming from a real place within. It is being wholly ourselves, and not an imitation of what we think we should be or told what we should be.

Living Inauthentically With Chronic Illness

The truth is, I am not sure that I am very truthful in regards to my life, specifically my life with FND. It is not an aspect of my everyday life that I am comfortable talking about, and so I choose not to. Even when asked questions regarding my use of a crutch, I answer quickly and swiftly deflect the inquest that inevitably follows. The dreaded question, “How are you?” swiftly brushed off with a simple, “Fine.” Even, when it is far from the actual truth; a reply also used on the worst of days.

"The dreaded question, "How are you?" swiftly brushed off with a simple, "Fine." Even, when it is far from the actual truth; a reply also used on the worst of days." Share on X
In truth, we all have parts of ourselves that scare us, parts of ourselves that we run from because we are too scared to look at or acknowledge them. And as such, we become too afraid to talk about them to others.

In truth, we all have parts of ourselves that scare us, parts of ourselves that we run from because we are too scared to look at or acknowledge them. And as such, we become too afraid to talk about them to others. It becomes more comfortable, therefore, to shut the words about those parts we hate away into the dark recesses of our minds. Shut them away in an attempt to forget the existence of them, or to hide them from the rest of the world. And so we begin living inauthentically with chronic illness.

"In truth, we all have parts of ourselves that scare us, parts of ourselves that we run from because we are too scared to look at or acknowledge them. And as such, we become too afraid to talk about them to others." Share on X

It can even be hard to be authentic in the online world

Sure, it is easier to be more open on social media, which allows you a small degree of anonymity. A medium that enables you to fade into the crowd, to blend in and disguising oneself as being ‘normal’. I find that I am much more eloquent when writing rather than speaking aloud.  

Is it actually easier to be authentic online, or does it make it easier to be the person we want to be rather than the person we are? Photo by Porapak Apichodilok from Pexels.

Despite this, however, I am not much more open online, particularly on social media. Like most people, my timeline is mostly a highlight reel of the rare, good days, uplifting moments and events to cherish, especially on Facebook, and the main reason why my timeline is incredibly sporadic in its updates.  

"Like most people, my timeline is mostly a highlight reel of the rare, good days, uplifting moments and events to cherish, especially on Facebook, and the main reason why my timeline is incredibly sporadic in its updates." Share on X

Inauthentic by editing out the bad days

But what I don’t reveal in the online world I participate in, is the many, many bad days that are caused by the severe, continuous symptoms of FND. Those bad days, which heavily outweigh the good, are erased. It fails to memorialise those days in which the excruciating, debilitating pain overwhelms everything else; the days in which the pain is the victor, and I’m its victim.

"My online world fails to memorialise those days in which the excruciating, debilitating pain overwhelms everything else; the days in which the pain is the victor, and I'm its victim." Share on X

Nor does it mention the days in which my stubborn, uncooperative legs refuse to work, and unable to get out of bed. Neither are the days in which my legs give way, causing a fall down the stairs, or a fall in public commemorated online for the whole world to observe. And neither exists, photographs of the many injuries sustained during such falls and accidents. I hide my condition, and its effect away, and choose instead to hide behind a mask.

Being inauthentic regarding life with chronic illness, we wear a mask and conceal the effects that it has on our physical and mental health
"Nor does it mention the days in which my uncooperative legs refuse to work. Neither are the days in which my legs give way, causing a fall down the stairs, or a fall in public commemorated online for the whole world to observe." Share on X

Perhaps, it is easier to be inauthentic online where we can choose who we want to be instead of the person we are.

"Perhaps, it is easier to be inauthentic online where we can choose who we want to be instead of the person we are." Share on X

The Difficulty of Authenticity for the Chronically Ill

It is easy sharing the happy, carefree moments of our lives. The good parts of our daily lives, comprised of our hobbies, nights out with friends, and holidays, for example. But why is it different when sharing the details of the most painful aspects of our lives, such as living with chronic illness?

Why is there such a stigma around vulnerability and revealing our raw, authentic selves? And why for the chronically ill community is there such awkwardness surrounding our lives with chronic illness?

"For me, I like to pretend that FND does not have me; that it does not define me. But who, am I kidding? FND has me; has me tightly in its grasp.  How can it not, when days and nights are dominated by such relentless symptoms." Share on X

For me, I like to pretend that FND does not have me; that it does not define me. But who, am I kidding? FND has me; has me tightly in its grasp.  How can it not, when days and nights are dominated by such relentless, disabling symptoms. And how can it not when every facet of my life is dependent on that day’s symptoms.  Of course, FND does not wholly define me, but it does to a degree.  As much as I would like to disagree, it is an integral part of my story. 

Authentiity is hard to find amid our struggles with chronic illness

We are often living inauthentically regarding our lives with a chronic illness for fear of being a burden or a fear of being pitied. And also we don’t want to be all about our diagnosis. We want to be seen and acknowledged for the person we are, instead of the person we were. There is a fear that by documenting the bad days, and the accidents that befall us, we will be accused of doing so to gain sympathy or attention.

"We are often living inauthentically regarding our lives with a chronic illness for fear of being a burden or a fear of being pitied. And also we don't want to be all about our diagnosis." Share on X

I cannot tell you the hurt and sorrow that comes when your illness becomes the first topic of conversation.  It feels that others are suggesting that it is the most exciting thing about you, which is never the case.  It can feel that others are reducing to us to a diagnosis; a label. 

The Advantages of Being Authentically Ill

The biggest lesson that one can take from ‘The Authenticity Project’ is the gifts that being authentic can bring.  By being so, it can foster real connections, just like the characters in the book.  And for those living with chronic illness, being vulnerable and authentic regarding the struggles we face, can help reduce the feelings of loneliness and isolation that it often causes. By sharing our truths, we can find others going through the same experiences. And it can remind us that we are not alone and everything we feel as a result is valid and understood.

Being authentic, open and honest about the struggles of living with chronic illness, we are able to foster connections with others, and help reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation that are so often accompanying symptoms.
"For those living with chronic illness, being vulnerable and authentic regarding the struggles we face, can help reduce the feelings of loneliness and isolation that it often causes." Share on X

So perhaps, I need to stop editing my social media and my conversations regarding my life with FND. And to start sharing the bad days and struggles as well as those rare good moments that occur.

I need to incorporate my own ‘Authenticity Project’ to foster real, and authentic connections in my life.

By doing so, perhaps I won’t feel as alone.

Sheryl from A Chronic Voice, as well as sharing her own stories and lessons with chronic illness. Sheryl is an excellent support to other bloggers and writers living with illness and chronic pain. One such way is through monthly link-up parties, whereby bloggers and writers share their stories through given prompts.  It would be remiss of me not to use this month to discuss the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic through the eyes of someone living with a chronic illness— a topic that is affecting everybody, and not just those living with long-term health conditions.

Just like with any start of a brand new year, 2020 promised hope and endless possibilities. However, little did we imagine that instead, it would bring a worldwide pandemic and irrevocably change the way we live our lives.  

Sign reading 'World: The World Is Temporarily Closed'
Who could have imagined at the start of 2020, much of the world would become closed due to a pandemic? Photo by Edwin Hooper on Unsplash

At the time of writing this blog post, much of the world is in lockdown. The UK government even extending ours by at least another three weeks. Our movements have become severely restricted.  Our lives and our worlds becoming increasingly smaller.  Who knew that life could change so dramatically in the blink of an eye?

Strange Time For Many But For The Few, It Feels Like Returning to Normal

Well, those living with chronic illness are all too familiar that life can change so dramatically, so quickly.  Illness, an evil and malevolent force, often enters the lives of its victims, so abruptly and with no warning,  It leaves behind chaos and destruction, and as such, life will never be the same. 

Those living with chronic illness are all too familiar that life can change so dramatically, so quickly. Everyone is experiencing many of the grief and feelings those with chronic illness goes through after diagnosis.
"Illness, an evil and malevolent force, often enters the lives of its victims, so abruptly and with no warning,  It leaves behind chaos and destruction, and as such, life will never be the same." Share on X

Currently, for many, these times seem strange and peculiar. But for those living with chronic illness, it often feels like a returning to normal. For us, our lives and our worlds already feel small, so small that it often feels claustrophobic.  The isolation endured by many at this moment in time is often the norm for those living with chronic illness.

"For us, our lives and our worlds already feel small, so small that it often feels claustrophobic.  The isolation being endured by many is often the norms for those of us who live with chronic illness." Share on X

The world is experiencing a loss of freedom; unable to move freely.  And a loss of the freedom to plan. Collectively we are all experiencing grief, anxiety and overwhelming uncertainty. All of which are hallmarks of what it is to live with a chronic illness.  

Window covered with bars
When living with chronic illness our homes can often feel like a prison; a place where we are confined with debilitating symptoms. During the lockdown, everyone is experiencing the feeling of being imprisoned. Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash

Everyone is currently experiencing confinement within the same four walls day in and day out, with little reprieve to the outside world. A scenario which is all too familiar for those living with chronic illness as persistent, debilitating symptoms often imprison us behind those same four walls. And where nights and days blur together.  Once, it was due to severe, and disabling symptoms, and now due to COVID-19. 

"Everyone is currently experiencing confinement within the same four walls day in and day out, with little reprieve to the outside world. A scenario which is all too familiar for those living with chronic illness." Share on X

It seems that everyone is experiencing a small slice of what it is to live with our truth. 

Distancing From Thoughts of The Future

Of course, discussions have begun regarding the future, and how and when the current lockdown will end. And although all of us wish to reclaim life as we know it, and return to normality, there is also an element of anxiety, especially for those living with chronic illness. 

Our lives with chronic illness have become currently impacted in ways that are yet to be determined.

Our lives with chronic illness have become impacted in ways that are yet to be determined. The lockdown has meant the cancellation or postponement of essential medical appointments.  Those living with chronic illness now have no access to therapies that help ease the disabling symptoms or which help reduce the number of debilitating flares. So, currently, there is a real fear of an uncontrollable flare or a real setback to progress that we had previously made. 

"Our lives with chronic illness have become currently impacted in ways that are yet to be determined. There is a real fear of an uncontrollable flare or a real setback to progress that we had previously made. Share on X

Before, the lockdown, because of increased falls and deterioration in other symptoms, I lost confidence in going out. Now, with the inability to go out, and regaining that lost confidence, I fear that it will make the situation worse. I fear that my confidence will take a further hit, making going out even harder.  

The Pandemic and Subsequent Lockdown Is Stressing Everybody

Living with chronic illness, or not everybody’s lives and futures are entirely uncertain. And with all this uncertainty, it is reasonable for all of us to be feeling stressed and anxious.

There is much uncertainty regarding the future, and how and when the lockdown will be lifted, and allowing us to return to normality. As such, many are fearful and stressed. Photo by Tonik on Unsplash.
"Living with chronic illness, or not everybody's lives and futures are entirely uncertain. And with all this uncertainty, it is reasonable for all of us to be feeling stressed and anxious." Share on X

Although living with uncertainty isn’t new when living with chronic illness, it does not mean that the pandemic and lockdown is any more tolerable for us to manage.  We’re adding the stress of living with the Coronavirus situation along with the burden of trying to control a chronic health condition. 

Perhaps the Pandemic Will Lead to Better Understanding of The Difficulties Faced By Those Living With Chronic Illness

When diagnosed with chronic illness, there come waves of grief, sadness, anger, loss, fear, and uncertainty as we grapple with the changes that illness induces. And as the world is coming to terms with these changes, everyone is experiencing the same emotions.  We are no longer alone in our grief. 

The discomforts faced every day by those living with chronic illness, are being felt all around the world.

The discomforts faced every day by those living with chronic illness, are being felt all around the world. Ordinarily, there are no feelings of solidarity, and being ‘in this together’ as there is now.  At this moment in time, we are all attempting to navigate and cope with this reality.

"Ordinarily, there are no feelings of solidarity, and being 'in this together' as there is now.  At this moment in time, we are all attempting to navigate and cope with this reality." Share on X

We can only hope that after the end of this pandemic, there will be more understanding and empathy regarding the difficulties faced for those living with chronic illness. So often, people comment on how nice it must be to spend so much time at home.  Now, that they too are experiencing this phenomenon, perhaps they will realise how difficult it can be. 

"We can only hope that after the end of this pandemic, there will be more understanding and empathy regarding the difficulties faced for those living with chronic illness." Share on X

Celebrating Not Missing Out

Like when going through any difficult time, I believe it is vital to see the silver lining.  To cope, therefore, it is crucial to look for the positives in a challenging situation.  

Those who are disabled or chronically ill are enjoying the accessibility that the internet provides by allowing to watch new film releases and exclusive concerts and gigs during this lockdown. Photo by bongkarn thanyakij from Pexels.

Throughout the lockdown, I find it a comfort that as everyone is in the same position, I am no longer missing out on anything. Because when living with a chronic illness, you tend to miss out a lot. Missed parties, celebrations, and lots of cancelled plans are the norm due to persistent, debilitating symptoms. But now, as the lockdown continues, we are all imposition with missing out.

"Throughout the lockdown, I find it a comfort that as everyone is in the same position, I am no longer missing out on anything. As the lockdown continues, we are all imposition with missing out." Share on X

In truth, this lockdown has allowed us to engage in our interests, in ways that hadn’t previously been available. As someone affected by severe and debilitating symptoms, I am unable to attend concerts and gigs. The cinema, with its high ceilings, is somewhere else that I find it challenging to visit. A deep shame, as a person who very much enjoys films. The lockdown, however, has allowed me to watch new releases from home, as cinemas remain closed. I have also enjoyed some of my favourite artists perform from their own homes, from the comfort of mine.

For me, one of the silver linings of the pandemic and the subsequent lockdown has how accessible the world has become.  For those of us living with chronic illness and disability, we hope that it continues even after normality has resumed. 

"One of the silver linings of the pandemic and the subsequent lockdown has how accessible the world has become. We hope that it continues even after normality has resumed." Share on X

What has been your experience of the lockdown and self-isolation? Leave your thoughts below

In Lockdown: A Returning to Normal For Some
April Link-Up Party with A Chronic Voice

Everyone Is Amid A Pandemic

The world has found itself amid a pandemic. Coronavirus, specifically COVID-19, has wreaked havoc on the world, and life is no longer what it once was.  Much of the world is now on lockdown, only able to go out for one of several reasons such as going shopping or exercise, for example.

It feels that everything in our lives is closed, lost to us amid this pandemic. But loss and chronic illness is all to familiar as it often creeps into every facet of our lives. Photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels

As such, loss has become an intimate component of this new dystopian reality.  The loss of being able to go wherever you want, whenever you want. As the supermarket shelves are empty due to panic buying, there is also a loss of what we would typically eat. And a loss of normality. 

"Loss has become an intimate component of this new dystopian reality. The loss of being able to go wherever you want, whenever you want. The loss of what we would typically eat. The loss of normality." Share on X

The path that we would usually find ourselves on has now become overgrown and unrecognisable. As a result, losing our way and finding ourselves on a completely different road, no longer able to find our way or even know what direction to take next. 

The Pandemic Through The Lens of Chronic Illness

For the chronic illness community, however, it feels that life has not changed. Thanks to the chronic life, we already spend a significant amount of time stuck at home, and as a consequence, we are more isolated than we often realise.

"For the chronic illness community, however, it feels that life has not changed. We already spend a significant amount of time stuck at home, and as a consequence, we are more isolated than we often realise." Share on X

Furthermore, the feeling of loss is all too familiar. Loss often becomes another feature of life with a permanent condition, as much as the symptoms that accompany it. It becomes an old friend, making its presence felt when our body once again redefines itself. And as it does, yet again, we lose something else precious to us.

"Loss becomes an old friend, making its presence felt when our body once again redefines itself. And as it does, yet again, we lose something else precious to us." Share on X

The loss of mobility. The loss of independence. The inability for spontaneity. The loss of friendships. And the loss of control. When living with a chronic illness, the deficits can be infinite and extensive. 

The losses that can incur from living with chronic illness can be infinite and extensive as we lose mobility, independence, friendships and much more. Photo by Lucas Pezeta from Pexels.

With regards to the current pandemic, the only silver lining that we can hold onto that it will not be forever. It too will pass, and eventually, life will return to normal. And everything that was lost will be recouped.

For those like myself, living with a long-standing health condition, however, we are not as lucky. The losses that we accrue as a consequence of them, we cannot reclaim. For us, it will never pass, and life will never suddenly return to normal. The reality for us is that there will always be further loss just around the corner. It continually lurks in the shadows, ready to strike at a moment’s notice, and prepared to steal something else from our lives.

"For us, it will never pass, and life will never suddenly return to normal. The reality for us is that there will always be further loss just around the corner. It continually lurks in the shadows, ready to strike." Share on X

The Continuing Grief of Loss And Chronic Illness

When diagnosed with a chronic illness, you never expect to feel such regular periods of grief. Nor do you foresee to grieve so intensively.  And never can you imagine that the need to grieve happens with considerable frequency.  

When living with a chronic illness, unfortunately, there is no getting better or being cured. Instead, your previous self, your old body has been lost. And with it, emotions such as grief, anger, and shame accompany this new life.  Often, these emotions become as much a part of the illness as the physical symptoms. And they also attend the many changes and losses in and around us as we navigate life in a chronically ill body.

"Often, these emotions become as much a part of the illness as the physical symptoms. And they also attend the many changes and losses in and around us as we navigate life in a chronically ill body." Share on X
The many negative emotions that accompany the changes and loss that comes with chronic illness can become much a part of life with the illness as the physical symptoms.

My experience has taught me that as when new symptoms emerge or existing symptoms worsen with alarming regularity, there is a further loss. As such, the grieving process starts again.

The Losses From Living With FND

I can no longer remember what it is not to experience such strange, severe and relentless sensations throughout my legs – those such as crippling pain and constant and debilitating trembling. I have lost the normality of what it is to live in a healthy and fully functioning body.

"I can no longer remember what it is not to experience such strange, severe and relentless sensations throughout my legs. I have lost the normality of what it is to live in a healthy and fully functioning body." Share on X
With the relentless and debilitating sensations in my legs I have lost the normality of what it is to live in a normal, healthy and fully functioning body. Photo by Lucas Pezeta from Pexels.

For so long now, I have lived with such unpredictability regarding the functioning of my legs.  Of never knowing when my legs will suddenly give way.  Events that and leave me lying in a heap on the floor, unable to get back up. And so, I have lost and must grieve the inability to trust my own body.

When living with a chronic illness, any chronic condition, especially those culminating in mobility problems often results in a loss of independence, of some variety—a loss of freedom and spontaneity.  

The Loss of Freedom and Spontaneity

A loss of being able to spontaneously decide to for a walk when aimlessly sitting around the house; one with there is no final destination in mind but one to see where you will end up.  And no longer will be able to navigate long walks with steep hills, or plenty of steps to climb up and down.  Now, going out requires careful planning and consideration if symptoms suddenly surface, becoming too disabling, and prohibiting us from continuing any further.

No longer able to go out into the world without the worry of how we are going to that final destination. Or the ability to stay out as long as we want, without the fear of pain or fatigue ruining the spontaneous trip.

"We are no longer able to go out into the world without the worry of how we are going to that final destination. Or the ability to stay out as long as we want, without the fear of pain or fatigue ruining the spontaneous trip." Share on X
The ability to go for a spontaneous walk or even a trip is often lost forever to those living with chronic illness when it brings changes to mobility or fatigue. Photo by Noelle Otto from Pexels.

No longer can I remember the last time I felt the house on my own. I do know that it has been years. Since then, I’ve had to rely on my parents. Or my carer to drive me to the places that I wish to visit, or relying on a taxi service to take me where I’ve needed to go.  FND, and its accompanying symptoms robbing me of the freedom and independence of my previous life; the life I lost when illness claimed me as its victim.  Living with a long-term condition can make you feel that you are at the mercy of others.

"FND, and its accompanying symptoms robbing me of the freedom and independence of my previous life; the life I lost when illness claimed me as its victim." Share on X

For The Chronically Ill, This Is Our Normal

I know that I have a lot to be grateful for; I’m still here and have much going for me. But, I cannot help but imagine what life would be like if I had never gotten sick.  At times, I envisage the life I could have led if FND had never entered my life; the potential I could have realised if not so affected by the debilitating symptoms that I have now considered to be my normal. 

"I cannot help but imagine what life would be like if I had never gotten sick.  At times, I envisage the life I could have led if FND had never entered my life; the potential I could have realised." Share on X

Grief and acceptance are not linear, often coming in waves, returning again and again. When experiencing such emotions, it is natural to imagine the what-ifs, or old lives, desperate to return to it—something, which I guess a lot of people are doing as they grieve the losses incurred.

Although, in some ways the losses has not been extensive as those experienced by the chronically ill. Missed holidays and events such as concerts can be rescheduled, for example. Innovative ways to allow people to work from home, or enjoy the latest cinema from the comfort of our sofa are now available to the masses. Technological advances that would have significantly benefited the chronically ill and disabled population, but have previously deemed unnecessary or difficult to implement.

There are published articles of tips on how to stay sane and entertained during the long periods of isolation.  Or tips on how to cope with illness, if it were to happen. Things which the chronically ill and disabled have had to navigate own their own.

It Will End For Many, But Will Still Continue For Those of Us With Chronic Illness

But, this pandemic will end, and life will return to normal. But for those of us living with chronic illness, our lives will continue as the same as is now. For isolation, uncertainty and fear are our norms because this is how we live our lives regularly. And when the current social distancing measures end, there I am sure will be much celebration.  But for me, it will also generate some anxiety.    Before, the pandemic, I had lost self-confidence in going out due to the worsening in my symptoms. And so, there is some anxiety that I will have further problems regarding my confidence when returning to the outside world as I become all too familiar with staying indoors. 

"But, this pandemic will end, and life will return to normal. But for those of us living with chronic illness, our lives will continue as the same as is now. For isolation, uncertainty and fear are our norms." Share on X

I hope that after, the current pandemic ends that the abled body remembers that although they have regained what they had lost, there are many out there who will still experience loss and the grief that accompanies it for the rest of their lives.

Loss In The Time of Chronic Illness

So, today is the 15th March. Today also marks the thirty-fourth years since I was born. Happy Birthday to me!

Much of my life, I have experienced the symptoms of a neurological disorder. A disorder that has since become a large part of my life. Yes, much of these symptoms were subtle, seemingly benign, quirks brushed off as nothing out of the ordinary.

The strange, trembling sensation in my legs, I’ve experienced for as long as I can remember, and so which I thought was natural, and something everyone experiences.  The crippling pain attributed to growing pains (ironic as I’m only 4″11 and so growth isn’t something that has happened much in my life!).

But even as life with chronic illness and it’s accompanying symptoms has gone on for so long, I never imagined it would become a such a massive part of my life, as it has.  The neurological condition, FND the diagnosis which eventually came after so many years has taken so much from me.  But it has also taught me so many lessons.  And so as I enter my 34th year on this earth, I thought I would share 34 lessons that living with a neurological condition has taught me. 

"As I enter my 34th year on this earth, I thought I would share 34 lessons that living with a neurological condition has taught me."  Share on X

34 Lessons That Illness Has Taught Me In 34 Years

1. You can never know what a person is going through

Living with a neurological condition that is invisible makes you appreciate that not everything is as it initially appears. When an illness is hidden, and the symptoms that are very real to us, but cannot be discerned by others, we can begin to feel judged for looking healthy and normal. Very often, people assume that there is nothing wrong with us because we “don’t look sick.”

"Living with an invisible condition has taught me to look beyond what we see and recognise that every person is fighting their own personal, invisible battles." Share on X

So, living with an invisible condition has taught me to look beyond what we see and recognise that every person is fighting their own personal, invisible battles. It has taught me more about compassion and empathy with others than anything else I have gone through.

2. The people you can count on and who values you

There is nothing like living with a life-long health condition to make you realise who you can count on and the people who truly value you.  When living with a chronic illness, you often find that many people will walk out of your life or begin to ghost you.  Living with FND has therefore weeded out those people who didn’t value me, and who will stick by me no matter what, through thick and thin.  I now know who I can rely on, and who sees me beyond that of a person living with a chronic illness.  And more importantly, who are the people worth having in my life.

3. You know your body better than anyone else, including doctors!

As someone who has lived with symptoms for many years, and subsequently has them dismissed by medical professionals, living with FND has taught me that I know myself and my body better than anyone else. For many years, doctors attributed my symptoms to anxiety and depression. Deep down, I knew that there was something more going on but began doubting myself with the repeated dismissals. So, when the diagnosis came, I felt nothing but relief and validation. It also helped me realise to have more faith and confidence in my concerns regarding my health and body.

4. There are always lessons to be learned even after living with illness for so long

I assumed that after a time, it would become easier to deal with a chronic illness. I believed that after a time, I would learn all the lessons that there is about living with chronic illness, and there would be nothing more to learn. But, I’ve since learned that living with a health condition is a continual learning curve. Some days are better than others. There are days you can cope, and others you don’t.  And times, where your preferred coping techniques work and times where they don’t. And as more symptoms crop up, and more diagnoses appear, there is always much to learn. 

We need support from a compassionate and supportive tribe when in the midst of chronic illness

5. You are not alone

For so many years, especially when the illness left me permanently alone and isolated, I felt like I was the only one who felt the way I did. It often felt that I was the only one to experience these symptoms. But social media helped me to realise that I am not alone and helped me to connect me with so many others going through the same or similar experiences.

"But social media helped me to realise that I am not alone and helped me to connect me with so many others going through the same or similar experiences." Share on X

6. You are stronger than you think

Through living with a neurological disorder, and the many limitations it presents, it has taught me that I can cope with more than I ever thought I could. It has taught me more about resilience and perseverance than anything else.

7. The bad times will eventually pass

It too shall pass. Yes, living with a chronic, incurable illness is much like riding a rollercoaster, with infinite ups and downs. But it has taught me that despite the difficulties of the downs, they eventually pass.

8. Gratitude is so important

There is always something to be grateful for, even on the bad days. On the worst of days, when the pain seems too much to bear, there is light to be found.  And a moment which to be grateful for, and a small win against the darkness of illness.

Happiest Gratitude Journal
Allowing a small moment for gratitude and positivity with the The Happiest Gratitude Journal from The Itty Bitty Book Co: https://ittybittybookco.com/products/the-happiest-gratitude-journal

9. Don’t compare your journey with anyone else’s

Comparison is truly the thief of joy. Yes, many things living with FND stops me from doing or stopped me from achieving certain milestones. But comparing myself to other people, or what I see on social media is not helpful, or makes me feel any better. Chronic illness has taught me that we are all on different journeys, and that is OK.

10. You can’t always control what happens to you, only how you respond to it

Yes, living with a chronic illness and how it affects life is not always in our control, but we can choose to wallow in the misery of the situation or find the positives and make the most of our life with a long-term health condition.

11. The importance of flexibility and going with the flow

When living with a chronic illness, it is hard to be spontaneous. But it can also be hard to make plans when you are unable to know how you are going to feel on any particular day. So you learn to be accommodating to your body, and what it needs.

"It can be hard to make plans when you are unable to know how you are going to feel on any particular day. So you learn to be accommodating to your body, and what it needs." Share on X

12. Acceptance is challenging to find, and even more so to keep

Acceptance is crucial in learning to live well and successfully with a chronic illness.  But time and time again, and especially during the darkest times, I find myself feeling frustrated, angry and disheartened.  I become overwhelmed with the worry and uncertainty of the future. 

14. FOMO is not only a feeling but a way of life

When living with a chronic illness, FOMO becomes not a feeling but a way of life. Living with a long-term health condition, you learn that you will continually miss out on events and social gatherings.

15. But you learn ways to live with it, and finding ways around your new limitations

But it also helps you learn to live life on your terms, and in harmony with your illness. After the symptoms of FND deteriorated and was left unable to cope with large buildings, I thought travel was something I would no longer be able to do. But now I have found a love of cruising.  A way of travelling in a way my condition allows and is agreeable with, at least somewhat! 

16. There is no shame in asking for help

As much as we all like to be as independent as possible, living with a chronic illness often reminds you that there are times when you are not. And when such conditions are invisible, it is not always apparent that such help is needed. So, we need to be willing to let go of our pride and stubbornness and ask for assistance when symptoms become debilitating. As time goes on, you learn that it is OK to ask for help and require it, at times. Illness, or not we all need help and assistance at times.

17. The importance of self-care

Living with persistent and debilitating symptoms has taught me the importance of listening to your body, and giving it what it needs. Self-care is vital for everyone, but especially for those living with a chronic illness. It is also something that goes beyond luxurious spa days, for expensive pampering sessions. Just as necessary is nourishing your body with nutrients, getting enough sleep, or using a favourite moisturiser.

18. How to be patient

When you become a patient, you truly learn the virtue of patience. When living with a chronic illness, you learn to be still and to wait because we often have no other choice. We learn to wait for a diagnosis. We learn to wait for the severe and debilitating symptoms to dissipate. It can be challenging and frustrating, but it truly teaches the meaning of patience.

"When living with a chronic illness, you learn to be still and to wait because we often have no other choice." Share on X

19. You begin to distrust your body and develop FOGO (fear of going out)

One of the biggest lessons I had learned and the most significant thing to have to adjust to is no longer being able to trust your body. Symptoms often appear without warning, and so you begin to fear them and avoid going out or seeing others. Why? Because you no longer know if you will suddenly becoming unwell, left unable to function, and as a result, will become stuck somewhere away from that which helps comfort you or be alone with them.

20. Doctors don’t know everything

There is nothing like being undiagnosed, desperately searching for what is wrong with you to make you realise that doctors are not infallible. They don’t know everything, and sadly you become only too aware on how often they can be dismissive of patients when they don’t know what is wrong.

21. The importance of pacing

Living with chronic illness and chronic pain means that you have to be aware of your limits, and pace accordingly. This could mean getting up earlier with enough time to be organised, and taking time so not to overexert yourself. Or leaving the house earlier than usual in case you are unable to walk as quickly as the previous day.

22. The importance of celebrating the small achievements

There is no doubt that chronic illness takes a lot. We begin to focus on what it has stolen, and what we can longer do, often feeling like a failure and becoming frustrated as a result.  It is, therefore, important to celebrate what we can still do and be proud of the accomplishments that we do manage despite the limitations of chronic illness. 

23. You begin to feel lonely and isolated

Living with a chronic illness means that you become trapped and imprisoned inside a body that no longer feels like your own, and which no longer works the way it should. The severity of the symptoms also means a significant amount of time is spent in your home, very often, alone and you come isolated and feeling lonelier than you have ever felt before.

24. Your disorder does not define you

It is a big lesson that I often have trouble accepting. It can be so easier to succumb to the illness and begin to feel that it is all you are; that it defines you and your life. But a diagnosis is not another personality trait used to describe you, nor does it overpower the good qualities or those qualities which defined you previously. Illness is a part of us and our story but not one that defines it. 

"A diagnosis is not another personality trait used to describe you, nor does it overpower the good qualities or those qualities which defined you previously. Illness is a part of us and our story but not one that defines it." Share on X

25. The value of the internet and social media

Living with limitations, especially those that make you spend a large amount of time at home, and alone you begin to utilise the internet and social media to connect with others and help keep you entertained. The online world, I have learnt is a beautiful space for learning, sharing, and communicating. There are also brilliant communities for those living with chronic illness to both give and receive support.

26. Netflix, Amazon Prime, and all other TVOD platforms will become your best friend

When living with chronic pain, distraction will become the biggest weapon in your arsenal against this enemy. But there is often not much to do other than lie down and endure such symptoms.  Netflix et al. will become the best form of distraction, with some of the shows bringing some welcome relief. 

27. Shame and guilt is another unexpected side effect of living with a chronic illness

We often begin to feel shame and guilt for everything we can no longer do, and for not doing our share. Shame and guilt are also perceived for needing to cancel plans, and for needing constant help. And shame permeates at the thought that the illness has gone on for so long. Shame just for being ill.

28. Being ill can affect body image

It is hard to love or feel positive about a body that seemingly no longer listens to my signals. One that is continuously taunting me, letting me know of its dominance with its unpredictability. One which I do not know what it is going to do from one moment to the next. A body which I should have the utmost trust in, but only reminds me that it plays by its own rules. 

29. We begin to hide behind a mask to protect from judgements and feel ‘normal’

We women, living with a chronic illness, often will use make-up to construct a mask we can hide behind. A facade to allow us to blend in with everyone else and appear normal and healthy. It can help us to increase self-confidence and make us feel better about ourselves.

30. We are not warriors, we are just trying to get through each day

Often people like to paint us as fighters, or ‘warriors.’ But the truth is, we often don’t feel like warriors. During the darkest and most difficult times with chronic illness, we are merely enduring and trying to get through it. We are not warriors; we are just a person living with a chronic illness.

"During the darkest and most difficult times with chronic illness, we are merely enduring and trying to get through it. We are not warriors; we are just a person living with a chronic illness." Share on X

31. The spoonie community is full of compassion and support

I and so many others have had the privilege through the internet and social media to have met so many wonderful, caring fellow spoonies.

32. There can be joy found in the smallest of things

Despite the many dark and challenging times when living with chronic illness and chronic pain, there are still many moments of joy and happiness to be found. Even in the smallest and simplest things; such as an unexpected phone call from a friend, or enjoying eating a favourite chocolate bar.

33. Sometimes there are no answers

One thing that you learn from having a chronic illness is that you won’t always get a satisfactory explanation for why certain things happen. There are many people, unfortunately, who never get a definitive diagnosis, or what has caused the disorder in which they live. It is frustrating, but sometimes things simply are.

"There are many people, unfortunately, who never get a definitive diagnosis, or what has caused the disorder in which they live. It is frustrating, but sometimes things simply are." Share on X

34. Positivity and hope are not always the answer they appear to be

When living with a chronic illness, people often tell us to stay positive and maintain hope. Easier said than done when constantly experiencing severe and debilitating symptoms, right? Having faith usually only ends up with broken and ruined dreams, as often what we wish never materialises. Hope dashed when once again we wake up in pain. When the flame of hope extinguishes time and time again, our dreams begin to dwindle, becoming hopelessness, sometimes even into despair. Sometimes, accepting the reality is the easiest path and which doesn’t end in endless disappointment.

"When living with a chronic illness, people often tell us to stay positive and maintain hope. Easier said than done when constantly experiencing severe and debilitating symptoms, right?" Share on X
34 Things I've Learnt in 34 Years
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