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HAWMC 2013 Day 30: Recap!

  Welcome to the Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge brought together by WEGO Health – a social network for all health activists.  Again, I am participating in the annual Writer’s Month Challenge in which I will be writing about my health activism and health condition based upon prompts given.Today’s prompt reads as follows:You made it!  30 posts in 30 days!  Today, write a recap of your experience.  What was your favourite prompt?  Least favourite?  What have you learned? Well, I did it!!...

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NHBPM Day Eleven: My Favourite Thing….

Another day, and that means a brand new post as part of the WEGO Health 'National Health Blog Post Month'.  Today, is a diversion from discussing life with a chronic illness and health, as the prompt that I have chosen (as we get a choice between 2 prompts) asks us to discuss our favourite thing that is not health related nut likely improves our life. For me, my favourite thing, and one which improves my life is my brand new iMac....

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A problem shared…

Welcome to another blog post from 'My Brain Lesion and Me'! This month, the folks at WEGO Health are concentrating on 'Health Activism in Real Life'.  So, instead of the focus on being on online support groups or on those like me who blog regarding a particular health condition or cause the focus is instead on those organisations or even on specific people who use the more face-to-face approach to health activism.  This could include any of the following: Non-Profit Organisations, i.e. charitable...

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