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Top 3 Tuesday: Pieces of advice for ‘Top Caregivers’

Welcome to the nineteenth day of the National Health Blog Post Month Challenge hosted by WEGO Health.   Every day during the month of November I will be writing a new blog post related to health and living with a chronic illness based on given prompts provided by WEGO Health. Today's prompt reads: Top Three Tuesday: Give three pieces of advice that you would give to a caregiver. Caregivers are such an aspect of the lives of patients with a chronic illness.  Caregivers fight for us;...

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NHBPM Day Eighteen: How should I care for someone with your condition? Well, you should….

Welcome to the 18th post of the 'National Health Blog Post Month' - so we're just over half-way through the month-long writing challenge!!  Today's chosen prompt asks us to write a post giving advice to a caregiver whom is caring for a patient with your condition. I thought this was a great post when I read it - often caregivers are the forgotten ones in terms of health activism and general writing regarding chronic illness - so thought it would good...

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