The neurological condition, FND the diagnosis which eventually came after so many years has taken so much from me. But it has also taught me so many lessons. And so as I enter my 34th year on this earth, I thought I would share 34 lessons that living with a neurological condition has taught me.
When living with a chronic illness, oh how we wish we could escape our bodies; a wish that we could break away from the crippling and disabling symptoms that affect every facet of our lives. And never is this more true, when amid a cruel and torturous flare.
There are times when despite the debilitating symptoms that accompany chronic illness we still feel we conquer anything; we can feel like a warrior. But what about those times when we are amid a severe and debilitating flare? The times when everything feels like an impossible struggle; or those times when despair and hopelessness accompany the persistent and disabling symptoms? And the times in which our customary emotional resilience for coping with the demands of chronic illness has seemingly disappeared?
It can be especially challenging to find love ourselves, for example, when living with chronic illness. Why is this?
Because when living with a chronic illness, self-esteem becomes heavily impacted. When constantly sick and in pain, we too are confronted with the many negative changes that our body undergoes. As a result, it can foster a deep hatred of our bodies. We find ourselves constantly exhausted when always on edge, waiting for the next imminent hurdle or setback.