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My condition sends me in a spin!

  Welcome again to the third post for the National Health Blog Post Month hosted by WEGO Health. Every day during the month of November I will be writing a new blog post related to health and living with a chronic illness based upon given prompts provided by WEGO Health. Today's prompt reads: My Mascot! Give your condition, community or self a mascot.  Who is it?  What do they represent?  What is their battle cry? To represent my condition in the form of a mascot, I have...

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WEGO Health Advocating for Another Carnival: These are a few of my favourite things!…

Welcome to the second post in the WEGO Health Blog Carnival. Today's prompt says the following: List time! Write 5-10 of your favourite things about your health community. Celebrate their uniqueness and be sure to tell us why those are your favourite things. Today’s prompt asks us to reveal a few of our favourite things regarding our health community in a Sound of Music style! What would be some of my favourite things regarding my health community as a whole? Well number one would...

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